

Friday February 21st
“From Police Officer to Publisher”


The remarkable personal journey of former Det Inspector and now thriller writer James Ellson, with his wonderful crime thriller novels available.

How do you change career completely? How do you use your knowledge and experience to go forward? And if you discover that it’s really difficult to break through, how do you…. Do it yourself?


Click here to book a ticket


Future Meetings

Friday March 21st:    “Fingers on the Pulse” – how do top companies get good data? From international Moody’s Analytics, whose David East, Senior Director for Business Development, will explain more.

Friday April 18th:     “How to Buy a Yacht” with Martin Berman of boat brokers Go Earth Ltd. A boat on the Broads? Or a mega-yacht in Mauritius? Martin can help, and teach you to sail. Rescheduled from last December.

Friday May 16th:   “Avoiding the Rabbit Hole” with Robert Maddocks of Bermans Ltd, HR specialists from Manchester. With so much new employment legislation, Robert will guide us how to avoid mistakes.

Friday June 13th:    Our Buxton Business Breakfast  at the splendid newly-refurbished Palace Hotel, now part of the Elite Group. Speakers to be announced.


AND… SHARE CLUB for those interested in testing their skills on the stock market – our virtual portfolio has been doing all right! No real money, just a pub lunch.

 For more information please contact edwinacurrie@sky.com.